“Nora’s diction was like a razor sharp blade that cut through her accompaniment. She drove home the need to dig deeper and genuinely let herself go in the moment, which created an overall vocally-maddening-bliss. It was jaw-dropping, raw, and phenomenal to watch and hear everything unfold (…) Her voice was a beacon of light that transformed the music around her (…) masterfully told her stories with a crisp and coherent line of text, her vocal tone illuminated each phrase and gave life to her character (…) selectively used vibrato in her singing and mixed it with an ethereal and soothing tone (…) Displaying a well-trained singer’s agility, she played into the dynamics of each phrase, which emphasized her honesty as a story-teller in a modern song-cycle (…) perfectly crafted screams (…) Everyone was awe-inspired at this point in the song cycle and it was visible how they eagerly wanted more.”